
Hi! I'm Hong Minhee, a software engineer from Seoul. You've reached here, my website. I write some free/open source software, which are mostly written in Haskell, Python, and TypeScript. I'm an advocate of free/open source software and fediverse. My professional interests are decentralized peer-to-peer networks and statically typed functional programming languages. (Résumé →)

I also have outside interests on etymology, East Asian languages (CJK), Chinese characters, and further, Unihan. 若爾能讀本文,則吾以筆談可論。


I've occasionally written about programming and few other topics in mostly Korean (and sometimes English and Japanese):

Hong Minhee on Things

Note that both links above lead to the same page. Depending on the locale settings of your web browser or OS, you'll see the blog in either Korean, English, or Japanese.

Find me elsewhere


The best method to contact with me is by email (however, please ask your questions about my projects in their issue trackers instead of email):


Here's my Discord username too:


My PGP public key is:


Open Source

You also can see my other activities about open source hacking at my GitHub, GitLab, npm, JSR, Hackage, PyPI, and NuGet.


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